Topic Wise Words

Topic Travel:: PAGE #6

:: Less than an hour after the Potters Bar crash three people were killed and another two critically injured in a headon collision between two cars in Llandudno in Wales:: If we can express a square number also as the sum of two other square numbers then Pythagoras Theorem tells us that we have three sides of a rightangled triangle:: She also is unafraid to be generous with the pedal yet clarity isnt sacrificed:: Again it would appear that these unofficial spaces would be lost if the High Street were pedestrianised :: A second burn was due to take place at 18 17 CEST lasting only a few seconds:: At one point they neared a horse and wagon that had a wheel wedged deep into the earth:: The existing facilities have almost reached saturation point and are under pressure not to mention traffic jams on the expressways it said:: :: The topography is agreeable to hiking and walking safaris are allowed:: This involved crossing wide Frenchstyle boulevards by foot and nerves of steel are required:: A disk grinder with a 30 grit sanding disk works well for removing rubber:: :: With this rhythmic cry Duan in his crumpled old blue suit pushes a benchlike cart along the street:: we were the only team not to choke when it came to the crunch:: But naval and maritime chiefs want more than a oneyear wonder to reinvigorate interest in the sea:: The little guy did have a crucial part in the only goal of the half but a number of the home defenders should have been cashiered for desertion for their part in it:: If the dipsticks in Congress really had national security threats on their minds theyd probably be worrying about that one not the risk that ownership of Unocal might allow China to tamper with the US oil supply in time of war:: As blood travels around the body in arteries and veins it is under pressure:: But if you never really liked them all that well to begin with this might be a good time to unload them:: As the Viceroy was being carried in a sedan chair away from the viewing stand a Chinese man jumped out of the crowd lining the street lifted a pistol fired a single shot into the Viceroys head:: The kids meanwhile munched happily on a pizza frozen variety pasta with tomato sauce and chips with a garlic mayonnaise dip :: my plan is to trek about seeing the world:: The Texans left on a jet plane riding a Rocky Mountain high to Denver:: Airline mechanics are inspecting hundreds of MD 80 series jetliners :: I kick indifferently among the jetsam that has sedimented up against the curb somebody once painted white and then forgot about:: One senior figure said that if Taoiseach Bertie Ahern had any sense he would jettison the PDs immediately:: Sometimes it can take a lot of patience to browse through furniture showrooms :: He had taken Spanish in high school and also learned a lot from the Hispanic housekeepers his family had employed throughout the years:: What about the stress it causes to his partner and family when he has gambled away the housekeeping money
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